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트랙터에서 유압 호스를 분리하는 방법

중장비에서 유압 호스를 수리한 적이 없다면 조언이나 감독 없이도 할 수 있어야 합니다.

권장 단계에 대해 항상 사용 설명서를 참조하거나 아래 나열된 지침을 따를 수 있습니다. 가장 주의해야 할 점은 호스에서 압력을 해제하는 지점입니다. 제대로 하지 않으면 유체가 모두 몸 밖으로 뿜어져 나올 수 있습니다.

유압유는 일반적으로 독성이 있으므로 피부, 눈 또는 입에 닿는 것을 원하지 않습니다. 작업의 이러한 측면에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없도록 몇 가지 안전 조치가 아래 표시된 단계에 포함되어 있습니다.

이 문서에 설명된 단계를 따르면 손상된 호스와 피팅을 분해하고 손상된 부품을 짧은 시간 안에 새 부품으로 교체할 수 있습니다. 불편하다면 언제든지 휴스턴에 있는 Sapphire Hydraulics의 전문가에게 전화하여 신속하고 효율적으로 작업을 완료할 수 있습니다.

다른 제품보다 사파이어 유압 장치를 선택하는 이유

신속하게 수정해야 하는 비즈니스 진행 속도를 늦추는 유압 문제가 있습니까? 그렇다면 클릭하여 브로셔를 다운로드하고 Sapphire Hydraulics가 귀하에게 적합한 수리 서비스 회사인 이유를 알아보십시오!

내 무료 사본을 받으세요!

작업에 필요한 도구 나열

대부분의 유압 호스와 피팅은 많은 양의 사용과 일정량의 남용을 견딜 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 유압 호스 피팅은 꽤 오래 지속되는 경향이 있지만 고장이 나거나 심각한 손상이 발생하면 즉시 교체해야 합니다. 그리고 유압 부품을 교체할 때는 올바른 도구가 필요합니다.

피팅을 즉시 교체하지 않으면 유압 호스가 손상될 수 있으며 수리 비용이 더 많이 듭니다. 유압호스 교체는 경험이 없어도 어렵지 않습니다. 번거로움 없이 쉽고 간편하게 프로세스를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 도구는 다음과 같습니다.


독성 유압유로부터 눈을 보호하는 데 필요


손이 유압유에 닿는 것을 방지하기 위해 필요

긴팔 셔츠

팔 보호


유체로부터 다리를 보호하십시오


환기가 잘 되는 곳에서 작업하지 않는 경우 필요


유체가 새기 때문에 분리되는 호스 아래에 놓아야 합니다(양동이를 사용할 수도 있음).

창문 클리너 및 걸레

이것을 사용하여 호스 부착물을 청소하십시오.

두 개의 렌치

반대 방향으로 돌려야 하므로 두 개의 서로 다른 렌치가 필요합니다(렌치 크기는 특정 호스에 따라 다름)


커플링이 제자리에 고정된 경우 윤활제가 필요할 수 있습니다.


It’s a good idea to take a photo of the exact configuration of your hose and fittings before you start, so you can consult this photo before putting it all back together.

How to Disconnect a Hydraulic Hose from a Tractor

#1 Inspect the Problem

The first thing you need to do is conduct a visual inspection of your hydraulic pump so that you can identify the type of damage that has occurred, and how severe it is.

Inspect the damaged fittings and leaking hoses carefully, then mark the areas which are a problem, before proceeding to the replacement steps.

#2 Wear Protective Gear

Then you should put on your protective gear; i.e., the gloves, goggles, pants, and shirt, which will prevent the hydraulic fluid from coming into contact with your skin.

Despite your best safety efforts, there are times when accidents do happen, and if the hydraulic fluid does actually touch your skin, you should take steps immediately. Call your local Poison Control Center, and after describing the circumstances, ask what you should do to recover from the situation.

#3 Relieve Pressure

The next step, which is very important, is to relieve the pressure on your hydraulic cylinders, and this process will vary from one piece of custom equipment to another, so you’ll need to consult your Owner’s Manual for the exact procedure.

There is generally a lever located right next to the hydraulic pump which you can move to release all that pressure. If you forget to do this step, all the pressure will still be there, and when you disconnect the hydraulic hose, you’ll probably have a blowout of hydraulic fluid.

#4 Shutoff the Power

After releasing the pressure valve, you will need to shut off all power to the system, and if you’re working on a backhoe or something similar, you should lower the bucket so it’s resting on the ground. Then you should place a heavy sheet or drop cloth, or possibly a large bucket, underneath the equipment to catch the hydraulic fluid as it drains out of the machine and the hose.

#5 Remove Damaged Parts

Next, you will have to remove the damaged hose fittings, the guards, the clamps, and the housing. There may be several components that you have to remove, so it’s a good idea to take a picture of their exact location prior to disassembly.

As you remove each individual component, label it so that you’ll be able to restore it to its original position during the assembly process. If you have any doubts about the dis-assembly process, consult your Owner’s Manual, because it will describe the preferred method of removal.

Because most hose fittings swivel when the hydraulic pump is turned on, you’ll need two different wrenches to accomplish the removal of these swiveling components. The fittings will have two couplings, and that means you need to clamp one wrench on the side of one of the couplings to keep it fixed in place, while you use a second wrench to turn the other coupling. If these are difficult to turn with your wrenches, you may need to apply a lubricant to help loosen them up and make the turning easier. If you do have to remove the hose, you’ll also need to loosen up the fittings that are attached to it, before pulling out the hose itself.

#6 Clean Fittings

After you’ve removed the hose, you’ll need to clean the fittings with a rag, ensuring that no dirt or debris remains on the fittings to contaminate your equipment. After the fittings have been cleaned, consult the pictures which you took during the disassembly phase, and use it to replace all components in their proper position. Install your new fittings and components, making sure that all guards and clamps are in their correct positions. Make sure the cylinder pins are returned properly, prior to replacing the snap rings that hold those pins in place.

Why Choose Sapphire Hydraulics Over the Other Guys?

Have a hydraulic issue that’s slowing down progress at your business that you need rectified quickly? If so, click to download our brochure and discover why Sapphire Hydraulics is the right repair service company for you!

Get My FREE Copy!

Need Professional Hydraulic Hose Repair in Houston?

Most professionals who work with hydraulic heavy equipment are aware that a damaged hose or its fittings can cause your entire hydraulic system to be non-operational. For most businesses, downtime is a minor disaster because it means lost revenues and possibly a missed deadline.

When deadlines are missed it can cause your credibility to come into question and it can damage your reputation as a reliable service provider.

Needless to say, when you have damage to any of your hydraulic hoses or fittings, you want them repaired as quickly as possible, and by a technician who is extremely reliable and knowledgeable. That’s exactly what you’ll get from Sapphire Hydraulics, a Houston-based company serving the immediate area, because all of our service personnel are extremely well trained and have a deep background in hydraulics repairs.

As soon as you realize that you’ve incurred some kind of hydraulic hose problem you should contact us immediately so we can dispatch a skilled technician to your location. Once on-site, they will diagnose the issue promptly and recommend a specific course of action, which may include hydraulic cylinder repair, to get your heavy equipment functional again.

산업용 장비

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