CNC 기계
D.Electron Z32 수치 컨트롤러 알람은 Z32 CNC 기계 기술자 프로그래머 세터에 대한 전체 목록입니다.
Z32의 OS가 오작동을 감지하면 시스템 오류 조건을 활성화하고 NC를 중지합니다.
이 상황은 명령줄에 다음과 같이 표시되어 인식할 수 있습니다.
** errorgen xxxxxxxx
여기서 xxxxxxxx는 오류를 설명하는 8자리 16진수 코드입니다.
모든 errorgens는 소프트웨어 오류에서 파생될 수 있지만(프로그래밍 버그는 무엇이든 할 수 있으므로) 특정 하드웨어 결함이나 응용 프로그램 소프트웨어 문제를 나타내기도 합니다.
반드시 errorgen의 이유가 명확하지 않은 경우 사용자는 이를 주의 깊게 기록하고(코드의 의미를 완전히 변경할 수 있는 0의 숫자에 주의) D.Electron에 알려야 합니다.
아래에 보고된 것과 다른 errorgen은 오작동을 나타냅니다. D.Electron에 알려야 합니다.
심각한 시스템 오류의 경우 모든 NC의 기능이 비활성화됩니다. 키보드가 작동하지 않습니다. 안전한 null 시퀀스(0)만 링크를 통해 발급됩니다.
PC는 다음 기계 주기 전에 일부 필수 프로그램을 실행할 수 없습니다.
이는 PC의 프로세서가 너무 느리고 모든 필수 기능을 서비스할 수 없음을 의미할 수 있습니다.
또한 프로그램할 수 없는 빠른 속도를 의미할 수도 있습니다. 로직 섹션(MODULE 2, MODULE 4 또는 MODULE 8)이 너무 깁니다. 이 경우(무한 루프 오류가 아닌 한) -o 최적화 옵션을 사용하여 논리를 다시 컴파일하고 더 빠른 프로세서를 설치하십시오.
빠른 인터럽트 주기에 대한 errorgen 00000110은 현재 실험 중인 비정상적인 상황을 알리기 위해 설계된 경보이며 일반적으로 나타나지 않습니다. 이 메시지가 나타나면 D.Electron에 알려주십시오.
오류 발생 00000120은 PC의 RAM에 대한 읽기 또는 쓰기 작업이 과도하게 지연될 때 나타납니다.
사용자가 설치한 ML 프로그래밍 가능 로직의 평균 지속 시간이 너무 깁니다.
로직 크기를 줄이거나 -o 최적화 옵션을 사용하여 컴파일하거나 더 빠른 프로세서를 설치하세요.
사용자가 설치한 ML 프로그래밍 가능 논리는 24ms 이상 지속됩니다. 순환합니다.
무한 루프 오류가 없으면 논리 크기를 줄이거나 -o 최적화 옵션을 사용하여 컴파일하거나 더 빠른 프로세서를 설치하십시오.
FlorenZ-Linux 시스템 전용, 2mS 인터럽트 오버랩.
프로세서가 너무 느리거나 (대부분) 부적합한 비디오 드라이버가 원인입니다.
이 알람은 Windows 또는 FlorenZ에서 Z32의 시뮬레이션을 수행할 때 발생할 수 있으며, 끝없는 소프트웨어 루프가 실행되면 컴퓨터를 차단할 수 있습니다.
예를 들어 엔델스 소프트웨어 루프를 생성하는 PLC 오류는 실제 기계이지만 시뮬레이션 중에 컴퓨터를 완전히 차단할 수 있습니다.
이러한 상황이 감지되고 오류 발생 00001200이 발생하여 운영자가 프로그램을 수정할 수 있습니다.
일반적으로 구현되지 않은 명령 오류입니다.
하드웨어 오류로 인해 PC가 메모리를 잘못 읽고 결과적으로 가비지 명령을 실행하려고 시도할 수 있습니다.
Windows 또는 FlorenZ 시스템에서만 가능합니다.
Z32 실시간 정교화를 위해 예약된 RAM 메모리가 너무 작습니다.
"Z32 드라이버" 소프트웨어의 업데이트된 버전을 설치하십시오.
주의 :"Z32 드라이버" 소프트웨어와 함께 "Z32 for Windows" 소프트웨어도 업데이트하는 것이 좋습니다.
OS 체크섬 오류입니다.
시스템 RAM이 손상되어 하드웨어 결함일 가능성이 있음을 나타냅니다.
일부 프로그램이 내장 보호 장치를 무시하고 OS를 덮어쓰는 데 성공했음을 의미할 수도 있습니다. 예약된 메모리 영역입니다.
ML 논리 프로그램 체크섬 오류입니다.
errorgen 00004F00과 동일한 진단이 적용됩니다.
특별한 금지 상황을 관리하기 위해 PLC에서 생성된 알람. 자세한 내용은 공작 기계 제조업체에 문의하십시오.
불법 소프트웨어 설치로 인한 알람 메시지입니다. 설치된 마스터 링크 보드가 활성화되지 않았거나 활성화 코드가 잘못되었습니다.
NT에 Z32가 설치된 상태에서 소프트웨어 환경 설정으로 DES107 마스터 링크 보드가 입력되면 이 알람 메시지가 트리거됩니다. 이 보드는 NT 환경에서 지원되지 않습니다. 유효하지 않은 라이센스 번호 경고 후 이벤트 디스플레이에 알람이 나타납니다.
이는 errorgen 00004000(불법 명령)과 errorgen 00008000(불법 설치)의 두 경보의 합입니다.
이는 errorgen 00004400(RAM 메모리가 너무 작음)과 errorgen 00008000(불법 설치)의 두 경보의 합계입니다.
D.Electron에 알려야 하는 소프트웨어 오작동을 나타냅니다.
D.Electron에 알려야 하는 소프트웨어 오작동을 나타냅니다.
D.Electron에 알려야 하는 소프트웨어 오작동을 나타냅니다.
직렬 에뮬레이터가 있는 Z32 소프트웨어 버전이 설치되었을 때
적절한 키가 없거나 키가 활성화되지 않은 상태에서 생성됩니다.
D.Electron에 알려야 하는 소프트웨어 오작동을 나타냅니다.
D.Electron에 알려야 하는 소프트웨어 오작동을 나타냅니다.
NC의 알람은 전용 디스플레이 비디오 영역에 코드로 표시됩니다.
알람 코드는 4자리 16진수(0-1-…F)로 표시됩니다.
마지막 2자리는 일반 알람을 나타냅니다. 카테고리, 처음 두 개는 자세히 지정합니다.
일반적으로 카테고리가 낮을수록 알람이 더 중요합니다. 하위 카테고리의 알람은 하나 이상의 알람이 동시에 활성화되어야 표시되는 알람입니다.
전원을 켤 때마다 Z32는 내부 PC의 회로와 DOS 운영 체제 구조에 대해 일련의 검사를 수행합니다. 이상이 감지되면 알람 CN..02가 표시됩니다.
이러한 경우 이 경우 운영자는 알람 코드를 기록하고 지원 서비스에 알려야 합니다.
다음 알람이 프로그래밍되었습니다.
심각한 시스템 오류 errorgen의 경우에 나타납니다.
NC 디스크 파일 저장 루틴의 오작동. 이것은 심각한 하드웨어 또는 DOS 운영 체제 오작동을 나타냅니다. 컴퓨터를 껐다가 다시 켭니다. 다시 시작하면 숫자 컨트롤러의 파일이 손상되었을 수 있으며 무결성을 보장하기 위해 특별한 주의를 기울여야 한다는 메시지가 표시됩니다. 다시 시작할 때 파일 127에 스핀들의 공구에 대한 "T" 대신 "x"가 포함되어 있으면 작업을 다시 시작하기 위해 "x"를 간단히 삭제할 수 있습니다. 도구 표에서 모든 도구를 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.
링크의 검출기 또는 기준 위치와 관련하여 TARAT에 정의된 축의 설정이 올바르지 않음을 나타냅니다. 검출기 또는 참조 채널은 다른 프로세스에 속하더라도 둘 이상의 축에 연결할 수 없습니다.
인치 회전축 검출기 단계가 0.005도 이상임을 나타냅니다. 이 경보는 전원을 켤 때만 생성될 수 있습니다.
Z-Link 데이터 구조에 잘못된 설정이 있습니다.
참조 출력 필터에 대해 TARAT에 정의된 축 설정이 올바르지 않음을 나타냅니다.
이 알람은 동일한 필터가 두 개의 서로 다른 축(다른 프로세스에서도)에 연결되어 있거나 필터가 필요한 경우 시작 시 트리거됩니다. 원산지 번호가 16을 초과합니다.
주변 광섬유 시스템(DE1065 및 DE 1075 마스터 링크 보드)에서 연결된 노드의 수는 설정에서 정의됩니다. 물리적 노드 수가 보정보다 적으면 CN0702 경보가 트리거됩니다.
G133KA0 – KA5에서 이중 스핀들 및 테이블 스핀들 관리 오류로 인해 발생하는 알람. 논리 번호가 12인 연속 축으로 정의된 보조 스핀들 설정 또는 테이블 스핀들 설정은 사양에 따라 입력해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 시작 시 CN0902 알람이 트리거됩니다.
이 알람은 전원이 꺼진 스핀들 감지기 2가 기계 설정에 정의되어 있고 스핀들 감지기가 Z-ser를 통해 있을 때 나타납니다.
이 알람은 사용 가능한 RAM 공간이 Z32 프로그램을 지원하기에 충분하지 않은 경우(16MB 미만) DOS에서 Z32를 설치할 때 해제됩니다.
이 알람은 Z-SER 또는 Z-STAR 설정이 정의되어 있지만 마스터 링크 유형이 올바르지 않을 때 나타납니다. 예를 들어 마스터 링크 DE1075/1이 정의되고 Z-SER 섹션이 비어 있으며 Z-SER 트랜스듀서(또는 참조)가 정의됩니다.
이 알람은 Z-STAR 드라이브 설정이 일관되지 않을 때 나타납니다.
이 알람은 설정에서 Endat형 영점 검색이 정의되어 있지만 상대축 보드(Z-STAR 축만 가능)가 Endat가 아닐 때 나타납니다.
이 알람은 동심축 기능을 나타냅니다. 이 알람은 동심축 설정이 사양과 일치하지 않을 때 시작 단계에서 나타납니다.
이 알람은 PRM[ ](영구 매개변수) 기능을 나타냅니다. 이 경보는 다음과 같은 이유로 시작 단계에 나타납니다.
– 마스터 링크 DES107을 사용하여 요청된 PRM[ ] 기능 활성화(PRM[ ] 매개변수를 지원하지 않음)
– 불가능합니다. PRM[ ] 매개변수 저장에 사용되는 CMOS 파일 생성
이 알람은 "원통형 축" 기능(G149)을 활성화하는 기계 설정을 나타냅니다. 이 알람은 원통형 축과 관련된 설정이 없거나 사양을 준수하지 않는 경우 시작 단계에서 나타납니다.
이 알람은 이동 끝(선형 또는 회전)이 있는 절대 축을 나타냅니다. 축 이동(양의 이동 끝과 음의 이동 끝 사이에 포함됨)이 절대 이동에 비해 너무 크면 시작 단계에 나타납니다. 숫자:이 알람은 (축 이동)> (0,8 x 절대 이동)인 경우에 나타납니다.
이 알람은 이동 끝이 없는 주기적 절대 축을 나타냅니다. 변환기의 절대 이동에 소수(정수가 아닌) 축 회전 수가 포함된 경우 시작 단계에 나타납니다. 이 알람은 추가 설정을 통해 제거할 수 있습니다.
이 알람은 변환기의 절대 이동에 정수가 아닌 축 회전 수가 포함되도록 기계적 기어비를 갖는 이동 끝이 없는 주기적 절대 축을 나타냅니다. 변환기의 절대 이동에 포함된 축 회전이 10 미만인 경우 시작 단계에 나타납니다. 이 알람의 이유는 이러한 조건(절대 이동과 축 회전 사이의 소수 비율)에서 절대 이동이 축 이동이 축 변환기가 불확실한 출력을 제공하는 위치로 이어지지 않도록 충분한 안전 여유와 안전 영역을 허용하도록 많은 축 회전(최소 10회)을 포함해야 합니다.
이 알람은 변환기의 절대 이동에 정수가 아닌 축 회전 수가 포함되도록 기계적 기어비를 갖는 이동 끝이 없는 주기적 절대 축을 나타냅니다. 변환기의 절대 이동에 의해 생성된 "펄스" 수가 CNC의 내부 형식에서 허용하는 최대값보다 높은 경우 시작 단계에 나타납니다. 하나의 절대 이동에 231개 이상의 펄스가 포함될 수 없음을 기억하십시오. 이 알람이 오면 Z-Star 설정에서 "회전당 맥박수" 항목을 확인해주세요.
이 알람은 다른 프로세스에서 감지된 오류 CNxx14로 인해 중요한 단계에서 초기화 절차가 중단된 경우 시작 시 발생합니다. 이 경우:
– 원래 프로세스에서 원래 알람 CNxx14가 유지됩니다. 이 경보는 오류가 수정된 경우에도 유지됩니다. 초기화 절차가 중요한 단계에서 중단되면 더 이상 정상 작동을 복원할 수 없기 때문입니다. 전원을 껐다가 켜야 합니다.
– 다른 프로세스에서, CN1702 알람 발생:"다른 프로세스의 알람을 제거한 다음 재부팅"
하나 이상의 하위 프로그램 축 설정이 잘못된 경우 시작 시 발생합니다.
적절한 설정은 다음과 같아야 합니다.
– 12보다 크지 않은 논리 번호
– 1-98 범위의 관련 하위 프로그램 또는 128-230
– 설정:회전축, 위치 변환기 없음, 기준 출력 없음, 0 없음, 재배치 없음
절대 변환기에 대한 고급 관리가 축에 대해 요청된 경우 시작 시 발생하지만 해당 변환기는 다음과 같습니다.
– 절대 다중 회전이 아님 EDat 또는 Biss
– 주기적이고 전송된 펄스 수 ZStar 드라이브는 2의 거듭제곱이 아닙니다
다중 헤드 기계와 관련이 있습니다. 하나 이상의 아카이브 프로세스에서 시스템 파일(원본 테이블, 도구 테이블, 기본 원점 테이블)이 누락된 경우 시작 시 발생합니다.
기계 설정에서 주변 Z-Link가 정의되지 않은 경우 FlorenZ 시스템에서만 제공됩니다. 파일 INI(주소 28A30B =1)의 특수 설정으로 제거할 수 있습니다.
소프트웨어 옵션과 관련된 알람. 프로세스 1을 활성화하는 올바른 라이선스를 설치하지 않고 프로세스 1을 활성화할 때 나타납니다.
소프트웨어 옵션과 관련된 알람. 활성화하는 올바른 라이선스를 설치하지 않고 프로세스 2~5를 활성화할 때 나타납니다.
소프트웨어 옵션과 관련된 알람. 갠트리 축 기능을 활성화하는 올바른 라이선스를 설치하지 않고 갠트리 축 기능을 활성화할 때 나타납니다.
소프트웨어 옵션과 관련된 알람. Polar/Scara Axes 기능을 활성화하는 올바른 라이선스를 설치하지 않고 기능을 활성화할 때 나타납니다.
소프트웨어 옵션과 관련된 알람. 활성화하는 올바른 라이센스를 설치하지 않고 TCP/IP 이더넷 연결을 활성화할 때 나타납니다. 이 알람은 승인되지 않은 Z32와 TCP/IP 이더넷 연결이 설정된 경우에만 트리거됩니다.
그러나 이 알람은 이더넷 연결을 방해하지 않으므로 임베디드 시스템(네트워크 환경에서만 작동)을 허용합니다. 인증 파일을 수신하여 다시 시작할 때 인증된 이더넷 연결을 설정합니다.
기계 설정에서 CNC 하드웨어가 지원하는 것보다 더 많은 연속 축이 정의된 경우 시작 시 발생합니다.
CN0202와 유사합니다. 시작 시 감지된 영구 메모리 임시 데이터 영역 오류를 나타냅니다. 잘못된 CNC CMOS 메모리 초기화 또는 심각한 하드웨어 문제로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다.
Z32에 구식 ISA 버스 유형 마스터 링크(DES107, DE1039, DE1065)가 장착된 경우 이 경보가 발생합니다.
이러한 유형의 마스터 링크에 사용할 수 있는 처리 능력이 너무 낮기 때문에 시작 소프트웨어 릴리스 Z32 T112-1부터 이러한 마스터 링크 보드는 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다.
이러한 마스터 링크 보드를 지원하는 마지막 소프트웨어 버전은 T111-4입니다(그러나 모든 기능이 제공되는 것은 아닙니다. 프로세서 유형).
이 유형의 경보는 Linux에서 작동하는 FlorenZ 시스템과 관련된 모든 새로운 오류를 그룹화합니다. 이러한 알람은 ETHERNET, Z-LINK, Z-STAR2 통신 오류에서 발생합니다.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
마스터 링크 보드와 Linux PC 간의 이더넷 연결이 끊어졌음을 나타냅니다.
가장 가능성 있는 이유는 다음과 같습니다.
– 마스터 링크의 전원 공급 장치가 꺼져 있습니다.
– The 이더넷 케이블이 분리되었거나 결함이 있습니다.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
내부 경보:절대 오지 않아야 합니다.
있는 경우 D.Electron에 문의하십시오.
Linux PC와 마스터 링크 보드 사이에 통신 오류가 있고 3회 연속 ZLink 주변 장치와 통신할 수 없음을 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 마스터 사이의 심각한 통신 문제에서 발생합니다. -링크 보드.
이더넷 연결 오류, 심한 전기적 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다.
오류 CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607 , CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107(모두 통신 난이도에 따라 다름)은 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일반적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 데이터 전송에서 일반적인 과도한 지연을 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 심각한 통신 문제로 인해 발생합니다.
원인이 될 수 있습니다. 잘못된 이더넷 연결 또는 심한 전기적 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서로 인해. 의사소통의 어려움) 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일상적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
CMOS 메모리를 읽을 때 CNC 초기화 중 통신 오류를 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 마스터 링크 보드 간의 심각한 통신 문제에서 발생합니다.
이더넷 연결 오류 또는 심한 전기 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서에 의해.
오류 CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107(모두 통신 어려움에 따라 다름)은 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일상적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 데이터 전송 채널 0에서 과도한 지연을 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 심각한 통신 문제에서 발생합니다.
원인일 수 있습니다. 잘못된 이더넷 연결, 심한 전기적 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서로 인해 발생합니다.
오류 CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107(모두 의사소통이 어려운 경우) 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일상적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 데이터 전송 채널 1에서 과도한 지연을 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 심각한 통신 문제에서 발생합니다.
원인일 수 있습니다. 잘못된 이더넷 연결, 심한 전기적 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서로 인해 발생합니다.
오류 CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107(모두 의사소통이 어려운 경우) 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일상적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 데이터 전송 채널 2에서 과도한 지연을 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 심각한 통신 문제에서 발생합니다.
원인일 수 있습니다. 잘못된 이더넷 연결, 심한 전기적 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서로 인해 발생합니다.
오류 CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107(모두 의사소통이 어려운 경우) 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일상적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 데이터 전송 채널 3에서 과도한 지연을 나타냅니다.
Linux PC와 Master-Link 보드 사이의 심각한 통신 문제에서 발생합니다.
원인일 수 있습니다. 잘못된 이더넷 연결, 심한 전기적 노이즈 또는 느린 프로세서로 인해 발생합니다.
오류 CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107(모두 의사소통이 어려운 경우) 서로 매우 유사합니다. 거의 일상적인 규칙에 따라 교환할 수 있습니다.
Indicates that too frequently the master-link didn’t receive the answer back from the Linux PC via Ethernet connection.
It comes from severe communication problems between the Linux PC and the Master-link board.
It may be originated by a faulty Ethernet connection or by heavy electrical noise or by slow processor.
To be noted that the errors CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107, (all depending on a difficulty communication) are very similar one to another:they may interchange following almost casual rules.
Indicates that the lythium battery used on the master-link for the CMOS memory back-up is discharged or faulty and must be replaced.
Indicates that too frequently the master-link received from the Linux PC corrupted Ethernet data blocks.
It comes from severe communication problems between the Linux PC and the Master-link board.
It may be originated by a faulty Ethernet connection or by heavy electrical noise or by slow processor.
To be noted that the errors CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107, (all depending on a difficulty communication) are very similar one to another:they may interchange following almost casual rules.
Indicates that too frequently the master-link received from the Linux PC Ethernet data blocks in a forbidden time instant (Time dedicated to the transmission Z-Star2) It comes from severe communication problems between the Linux PC and the Master-link board.
It may be originated by a faulty Ethernet connection or by heavy electrical noise or by slow processor.
To be noted that the errors CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107, (all depending on a difficulty communication) are very similar one to another:they may interchange following almost casual rules.
Indicates that too frequently the master-link received from the Linux PC Ethernet data blocks in a forbidden time instant (Time dedicated to the transmission Z-Link) It comes from severe communication problems between the Linux PC and the Master-link board.
It may be originated by a faulty Ethernet connection or by heavy electrical noise or by slow processor.
To be noted that the errors CN1007, CN1107, CN1207, CN1307, CN1407, CN1507, CN1607, CN1707, CN1907, CN2007, CN2107, (all depending on a difficulty communication) are very similar one to another:they may interchange following almost casual rules.
Indicates an error in the connection between master-link and servodrives, channel Z-Star2 nr. 1.
This error is mainly originated by hardware problems:servodrive OFF, optical fibre not connected or faulty, heavy electrical noise, faulty servodrive.
Indicates an error in the connection between master-link and servodrives, channel Z-Star2 nr. 2.
This error is mainly originated by hardware problems:servodrive OFF, optical fibre not connected or faulty, heavy electrical noise, faulty servodrive.
Indicates an error in the connection between master-link and servodrives, channel Z-Star2 nr. 3.
This error is mainly originated by hardware problems:servodrive OFF, optical fibre not connected or faulty, heavy electrical noise, faulty servodrive.
Indicates an error in the connection between master-link and servodrives, channel Z-Star2 nr. 4.
This error is mainly originated by hardware problems:servodrive OFF, optical fibre not connected or faulty, heavy electrical noise, faulty servodrive.
Indicates an error in the connection between master-link and Z-Link peripherals.
This error is mainly originated by hardware problems:Z-Link peripherals OFF, optical fibre not connected or faulty, heavy electrical noise, faulty Z-Link peripherals.
It is a configuration error that never must be present.
If it comes, notify to D.Electron.
It is a configuration error that never must be present.
If it comes, notify to D.Electron.
This alarm comes when an updating of the firmware of the digital drives SP-Evo is in progress. It may come at the start-up phase after a replacement of a power drive module or after an updating of the Z32 CNC software, because at the CNC start-up the firmware of the drives is checked and, if necessary, updated automatically.
This alarm is replaced by the alarm CN2A07 when the updating is completed.
The time duration of the updating is normally terminated in less than 2 minutes. After this time, please restart and try again, and if this alarm doesn’t disappairs, call D.Electron
This alarm comes when an updating of the firmware of the digital drives SP-Evo is correctly finished. It may come at the start-up phase after a replacement of a power drive module or after an updating of the Z32 CNC software, because at the CNC start-up the firmware of the drives is checked and, if necessary, updated automatically.
Please restart the system to activate the new firmware.
These alarms appear when errors are detected in the connection (optical-fibre link) between the master-link and the Z-Box.
The first two characters of the alarm code contain the map (8 bit map, where 8 is the maximum number of connectable Z-Box’s) of the Z-Box’s that are not communicating in the right way with the master-link.
For example, is there are two Z-Box’s, the following errors can appear:
This alarm appears when the first Z-Box is not communicating in the right way with the master-link.
This alarm appears when the second Z-Box is not communicating in the right way with the master-link.
This alarm appears when the first and the second Z-Box’s are not communicating in the right way with the master-link.
The connection error can be caused by hardware problems, like not connected or defective optical-fibre, failures in the peripheral boards contained in the Z-Box, etc.
Further details can be found in the PLC variable HHTIMES (see the Programmable logic manual).
An alarm not related to a Z-Box is also possible:
This alarm appears when the real-time PC shows a slow response to the very stringent real-time requirements of the Z-Star system.
It may be due to PC mother-board, BIOS settings or software drivers not compatible with Z-Star.
To help to eliminate the error, please communicate to D.Electron the value of the PLC variable HHTIMES[8]. It contains some further detail useful to D.Electron.
The OS detected a problem in the peripheral connection link; this may be either hardware or software generated.
Link closing with incorrect fiber optics. It is an unstable alarm condition associated to sporadic alarms. This message appears in the case a fiber optic link to peripherals has not been closed correctly, i.e. when the fiber optic end has not been cut perfectly on some node, or when there are strong optic losses, e.g. as a result of fiber crushing or too small bending radiuses.
Indicates a malfunction in the peripheral connection link. It may be caused by electric interference or a hardware fault in the connections, the PC or some of the peripherals.
Resetting the PC this error should disappear. If it happens only very rarely, it could be tolerated (to give an idea, once a month should not be tolerated).
Link starts with control register unwritten (slow processor).
The same as CN0209.
Parity error
Frame error (bit longer than it should)
Slow link (the ring is probably open)
The following codes may be compounded:CN0209 – CN0409 – CN0809 – CN1009:
CN0609 02 + 04
CN0A09 02 + 08
CN0C09 04 + 08
CN0E09 02 + 04 + 08
CN1409 04 + 10
CN1C09 04 + 08 + 10
Error in the DE1108 (Z-Star) board:the Z-Link in not working in the right way with loss of communication cycles.
The alarms type CNxx10 refer to the permanent CMOS memory errors.
They may be classified in two sub-types:
– Alarms type CN0x10 (the first character following “CN” is the number zero)
– Alarms type CNyx10 (the first character “y” following “CN” is different from zero)
Alarms type CN0x10
They are generated by four basic types of alarm:CN0110, CN0210, CN0410, CN0810 (see below).
Due to the fact that one or more of these basic alarms may be present at the same time, an error CN0x10 will result, where “x” is an hexadecimal number (0, 1, 2 ,…, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F) generated by the sum of the four basic alarms 1, 2, 4, 8.
CN0F10 is generated by the simultaneous presence of all the alarms,
CN0710 is generated by the alarms CN0110, CN0210 e CN0410…
Normally the simultaneous presence of more than 1 alarm of the type CN0x10 is originated by battery problems (the battery is used for the CMOS memory backup in the board), or by a missed CMOS initialization.
As the alarms CN0x10 represent CMOS memory errors, they permanently last, even if the CNC is turned OFF and ON.
To eliminate these alarm, the most efficient mode is to reinitialize the CMOS memory.
But this operation will destroy all of the data memorized in the CMOS memory. If this is not wanted, the operator may correct manually the CMOS errors and subsequently eliminate the alarms CN0x10 with the following procedure:
– launch the internal CMOS files editor (activity 5)
– write the string “CNXX10 OFF”
– press Enter
– press RESET
Warning:the string must be exactly as shown:
– one (and only one) blank to separate the fields
– no any additional blanks nor at the beginning, nor at the end
Indicates that upon power up, the service CMOS (which contains the ML logic’s permanent data, dynamic axes setups and other data) has become corrupted and therefore
Indicates concatenation errors in the Z32 files. As result of this error entire sections of one or more Z32 files can be lost.
Indicates that one or more Z32 files had a checksum error upon powering on. The area subjected to checksum error will be replaced by diesis marks ####…
It is shown in the start-up phase for indicating errors in the PRM[ ] parameters saved in the permanent memory.
Alarms tyep CNyx10 (where “y” is different from 0)
They are alarms showing errors in the CMOS memory management.
They may not be eliminated through the editor procedure “CNXX10 OFF”.
Z32 files are corrupted; this indicates an inconsistency in the Z32 files memory.
To restart it is necessary to turn the NC off and on again. This may have to be done twice to get rid of the alarm.
Should this alarm be triggered, carefully check file integrity before restarting and always notify D.Electron.
The same as CN1010
The same as CN1010
The same as CN1010
The same as CN1010
The same as CN1010
The Z32’s transducer system is equipped with self-check circuits capable of detecting:
– power faults or detector output signal anomalies;
– step loss due to excessive speed.
– abnormal position coming from an absolute multi-turn rotary transducer
In these cases the processor is notified that the transducer’s data are no longer reliable and therefore does not allow axis movement. The Z32 subsequently triggers the CN..12 alarm.
The first alarm code’s character details the memorized anomaly type:
1 =overspeed
2 =power
3 =both power loss and overspeed
4 =absolute multiturn rotary encoder with abnormal input position
The second alarm code character (x) indicates the logical number of the axis for which the alarm has been generated.
To eliminate the alarms 1-3 the operator must execute the activity 7 (ZERO).
To eliminate the alarm 4 (normally coming only when installing the machine) the installer may:
– extract the encoder and rotate it to a normal position
– or, better, activate the advanced management of absolute multiturn transducer of this axis
Should more than one axis be in alarm mode, the code displayed is the one referring to the axis with lowest logical number, and switches to the next available code when activity 7 (zero restart) is executed.
Any CN..12 alarm is immediately displayed upon power on, even if the alarms are referred to axes either set up as “not live”, or indexed ones.
Indicates an overspeed alarm (likely causes:electrical interference, false contacts or glitches, excessive vibration or speed).
Indicates a transducer alarm connected with its power source (likely causes:battery has gone flat, electrical interference, false contacts or glitches).
Indicates a transducer alarm for both power source and measured speed (likely causes:
very strong electrical interference, false contacts or glitches, battery gone flat or malfunctioning).
Indicates that the multiturn absolute transducer (EnDat or Biss) outputs an abnormal position. To eliminate it:
– extract the transducer and rotate it to a normal position
– or better, change the settings to activate the advanced management of this transducer
They are alarms connected with the axis movements’ handling and other events detected in real-time, independently from the part–program flow. The Z32 continuously monitors the axis quotas, as specified by the machine setup, both with machine standing by and operating.
If the axes do not follow the desired quota closely enough (as defined in the system setup) the NC triggers alarm CN..13.
CN..13 is also triggered in conjunction with other axis movement – related alarms and other events.
In particular:
Excessive error during a movement. This may be due to:
1) incorrect circular profile traits programming where a segment’s beginning does not coincide with the previous’ ending.
2) one or more machine axis did not follow NC’s commands with enough precision.
This may depend from a speed variator fault, or from mechanical hard points during the axis run, or from excessive work speeds. Verify the programming before everything else, and anyway, before contacting the technical support, display pursuit errors to know which axis caused the error (see chapter “Operating Modes”, paragraph “Special Displays:Axes and Axis errors”).
The trigger threshold for this error depends from the corresponding setup parameter (normally a few millimeters).
This error is forced by the NC’s OS in various occasions, e.g. during some external program’s execution:programmable logic installation forces a CN0013 error.
Excessive error during positioning. This indicates an error which took place during the final positioning phase, or on an axis that should have been kept still. It appears normally if the machine axes are moved through manual keyboard controls without NC’s intervention. To locate which axis triggered the error, pursuit errors must be displayed (see chapter “Operating Modes”, paragraph “Special Displays:Axes and Axis errors”).
The processor sent to the axis motion controller an incorrect command. This is an internal alarm which should NEVER trigger.
During a blocking/unblocking procedure, the logic kept FEED HOLD longer than five seconds. Consult the machine tool’s manufacturer.
Relative to a measure movement in G61. After making contact, the feeler retracted to movement beginning without contact interrupting, or, the contact was already established before the feeler started moving. It may depend from a programming error (a measure movement has been programmed without detaching the feeler) or from a hardware fault (the feeler always reports contact). See also the programming manual.
Relative to a measuring movement en G61. It comes if, after the first touch and its release, during the second search the axis, instead of going forward toward the piece, goes back past the point where the movement begun. It is a very rare alarm, due to uncertain measuring probes with multiple commutating fronts. If it comes frequently, inform D.Electron.
G63 overshoot. During G63 tapping or G33 threading, this alarm is triggered if the axis overshoots the endpoint of more than the set up quantity, because the chuck inversion is not fast enough or because the tapping movement is inverted due to an incorrect rotate direction recognition when the movement started.
Copying buffer is full. While copying, the Z32 uses an accumulation buffer where data are stored before being transmitted to the PC; this alarm indicates that the buffer is full because the PC (external, connected through a serial port, or the Z32 itself) is not reading data fast enough or at all.
Analog feeler deflection out of range. Indicates that the analog feeler’s deflection is excessive, beyond programmed emergency deflection if it happens during a G111S movement, or beyond setup emergency deflection in the other cases (manual feeler movement). This alarm appears also when height control is active (G146), if during a movement the sensor distance from the surface is smaller than the sensor negative tolerance.
Emergency quotas exceeded during copy (G111).
This alarm appears also when height control is active (G146), if the maximum deviation from the programmed surface (symmetrical in positive and negative way) is exceeded.
Feeler lost contact from model during copy (G111). This alarm appears also when height control is active (G146), if during a movement the sensor distance from the surface is greater than the sensor positive tolerance.
During a G111S copy init, the movement ended without model contact ever being made.
“Live” axis anomaly in a SCARA manipulator:both axis couples, physical and linear virtual, are alive (e.g. if the couples VW and XY are both defined live, or both XY axes are not defined live).
Negative W axis in a SCARA manipulator. A SCARA manipulator’s peripheral axis assumes a negative value during movement.
Alarms relative to errors in DNC transmission from a host using codos type 16 commands (e.g. ZTERM).
The Z32’s OS monitors some pointers to the DOS files provided by the host, and triggers an alarm if these behave abnormally.
In particular:
– if the number of characters transmitted by the host (displayed in command Ris 6) does not equal the number of characters received by the Z32, a CN1213 alarm is triggered.
– if the host’s DOS file pointer (displayed in command Ris 5) is incremented by more than 1450 characters, an alarm CN1313 is generated.
Keep in mind that CN1313 alarm may be issued if the file to be transmitted contains a large number of empty lines. Reason:
– the maximum number of characters the host may send at the same time is 1024.
– for each row, a LF character is cancelled from the source file data (LF=0A hex; the “end of line” character is actually doubled under DOS, being made up of CR and LF characters, while the Z32 only receives the CR).
– Therefore each packet transmitted by the host may be at most 426 rows long.
The limit of 426 rows may be exceeded only if the source file contains many empty rows (even if all rows had only two characters plus CR it couldn’t be possible to exceed 426 rows).
It is a protection in the handling of polar axes, to avoid possible operation anomalies too near to the spin center. If during the movement the distance from the center becomes less than 5 mm, an alarm CN1413 is triggered.
The CN1513 alarm indicates an anomalous situation where machine axes are interpolated but not “alive”. This may happen when a movement is requested from a non-alive axis too near to the positioning threshold, thus making it move inside and outside the threshold (e.g. because of an axis quota oscillation). A typical example is that of an axis (rolling table) which, during blocking, has a slight movement that brings it near the allowed positioning error, or from which a movement is required which is slightly less than the positioning threshold.
The CN1613 alarm signals that the ZSER ring is interrupted.
Normally this alarm never appears. Should it appear, please notify D.Electron.
The CN1813 alarm is triggered whenever, while sending $% type DNC part-programs (on a serial line), there is a data protocol transmission error, or a block error.
The CN1A13 error appears on machines with process lock under the following conditions:
if one of the related processes triggers an alarm during the lock cycle, the other processes that must interrupted immediately generate this alarm too.
The CN1B13 error appears on machines with process lock under the following conditions:
if one of the master/slave processes is triggered unexpectedly (e.g. when pressing the reset button) the other master/slave process generates this alarm too.
The CN1C13 alarm communicates that at least once, the AT data reading has been carried out with excessive delay (telegrams from the Z-SER linked drives to the Z32 CPU).
As a consequence, this may provoke faulty axis readings (e.g. repeated measures), and therefore faulty motions.
The CN1D13 alarm communicates that at least once, the MDT data writing has been carried out with excessive delay (telegrams from Z32 CPU to the Z-SER linked drives). As a consequence, faulty speed measures may be provided to the drives, therefore leading to faulty motions.
MU type memory alarm. The CN1E13 alarm is triggered whenever a sporadic MU alarm occurs that has not been stored by the PLC:this alarm appears – even for a very short time (a logic cycle) – and then disappears.
This alarm is released when – in the variable pitch threading function (G34/G35) – a pitch lower that or equal to zero is obtained as a consequence of a K decrease (thread pitch).
This alarm is released when the NOT live axes to be monitored are outside their position beyond the admissible tolerance limit.
This alarm appears when the hardware of the PC where Z32 is running is not sufficiently fast for Z32 and some Z32 functionalities can be compromised.
This alarm refers to the PCL function FFCOUPLE, used for coupling axes (a slave axis follows a master axis). This alarm appears when requesting a coupling procedure when the slave axis is alive. If the slave axis is alive, the coupling doesn’t takes place and a CN2313 alarm appears both on the master axis process and on the slave alive axis process.
This alarm refers to the PCL function FFCOUPLE, used for coupling axes (a slave axis follows a master axis). This alarm appears when the following error of the slave axis is greater than the maximum following error set in the axis settings. In this case, the movement stops and a CN2313 alarm appears both on the master axis process and on the slave alive axis process. For more information, read the specific machine documentation.
This alarm refers to the PCL function FFCOUPLE, used for coupling axes (a slave axis follows a master axis).This alarm appears when there is a position transducer error on the master (or the slave) axis and the master (or the slave) axis is defined with zero setting in the settings. In this case a CN2513 alarm appears both on the master axis process and on the slave alive axis process.
This alarm refers to the PCL function FFCOUPLE, used for coupling axes (a slave axis follows a master axis). This alarm appears when the master axis (or the slave axis) is in the “zero setting” procedure. The alarm appears both on the master axis process and on the slave alive axis process.
The CN2713 alarm appears when the writing procedure of a PRM[ ] parameter inside the CMOS memory was not successful.
This alarm appears when programming a movement involving more that 5 interpolating axes while it is active a function not compatible with movements involving more that 5 interpolating axes.
This alarm appears (on all the active processes):
– in the case Z-Star, if one or more peripheral boards (ENC, PWM) have faulty communication with the CNC
– in the case Z-Star2:if one or more servodrives have faulty communication with the CNC
To know the faulty unit:
– in the case Z-Star, read the PLC variable HHBOARDALARM[0] (bit map of the faulty boards installed in the Z-Box 0 to 3) and the variable HHBOARDALARM[1] (bit map of the faulty boards installed in the Z-Box 4 to 7)
– in the case Z-Star2, read the PLC variable HHBOARDALARM[0] (bit map of the faulty servodrives 0 to 32).
The alarm CN2A13 is eliminated by a simple CN RESET if the board error has been removed.
This alarm refers to the G155 (raster-type laser printing). It comes when the mass-memory access (hard-disk) is too slow (printing data not available)
This alarm refers to the G155 (raster-type laser printing). It comes when it is programmed a parameter #P lss than zero when the printing mode is mono-directional.
This alarm may come when in the machine there is an absolute axis, without end-of travel (cyclic axis) and the absolute travel of the motor generates a non-integer number of axis turns. This is a “critical” axis, were the available number of turns in the same direction is limited. This alarm comes if this number is surpassed (in other words, the absolute axis is over ½ of its travel). Please move back manually the axis, so to conduct it in a safe zone.
Alarm related to the Profibus management. It comes at turn-on if the Profibus interface boards doesn’t activate in 5 seconds. Probable causes:wiring error or board missing.
Alarm related to the Profibus management. It comes at run-time if the Profibus INPUTS are not refreshed for more than 48 mS. Probable causes:uncertain or interrupted connection to the Profibus peripherals.
Alarm related to the Profibus management. It comes at run-time if the Profibus OUTPUTS are not refreshed for more than 48 mS. Probable causes:uncertain or interrupted connection to the Profibus peripherals.
Excessive following error for gantry system defined by machine settings (Note:the PLCdefined gantry system has a different alarm code). It comes if the following error of the gantry slave axis becomes higher than the “Tolerance when moving” defined for the slave axis in the machine settings.
Excessive following error for gantry system PLC-defined (Note:gantry system define by machine settings has a different alarm code). It comes if the following error of the gantry slave axis becomes higher than the “Tolerance when moving” defined for the slave axis in the machine settings.
Spindle head has undefined state. This alarm comes in machines equipped with headexchanging system if a CN activity is requested (Automatic, MDI, JOG) before the PLC has defined what head is installed.
Probable cause:the head exchanging system is not well defined or corrupted.
A CNCx13 alarm (x =logical number of alarmed axis) is triggered when permanent formulas are active and an axis exceeds 8.000.000 detector steps relative to the current origin. To give an idea, this corresponds to about 4 meters (12 feet) with the most discretized (i.e. sensitive) detectors the Z32 can handle. The alarm is also released in the case that one of the linear axes XYZ exceeds the limit of 134,217,728 detector steps (referred to the current origin) with G118NHR1 active:with the most sensitive detectors that can be controlled with the Z32, this measure corresponds to about 72 metres.
A CNDx13 alarm (x =logical number of alarmed axis) is triggered when a machine axis is moving with a different speed than what was required by the NC. The NC integrates the speed imposed to the axis and determines the space this must cover, comparing it with the detector’s report; if they are not equal, the NC triggers a CNDx13 alarm. The alarm is active on both continuous and indexed axes.
Where x is the logical number of the continuous axis which triggered the alarm. During the execution of a movement with RTCP, «…» permanent formulae, or tracing, the axis motion controller detected that the axis got dangerously near the end of run. For example, CNE013 indicates end of run error on the axis with logical number 0 (normally the X axis)..
Where x is the logical number of the continuous axis which triggered the alarm. During the execution of a movement with RTCP, «…» permanent formulae, or tracing, the axis motion controller detected an excessive speed on the axis. For example, CNF113 indicates overspeed alarm on the axis with logical number 1 (normally the Y axis).
Error forced after execution of activity 8, speed controlled axis motion. The alarm is automatically cleared upon activity exit.
These alarms indicate a programming error, a program permanent memory storage fault, or an incorrect usage of some activities.
They are usually accompanied by a plaintext explanation on the command line.
The first part of the row where the error was detected precedes the explanation on the command line.
All allowed error messages are listed below.
Available program memory has no room available for the requested write operation(s). It is necessary to erase some programs, archiving them on floppy, to make room.
Indicates that an error occurred in numerical controller file manipulation. The CMOS error code has the following meanings:
1 too many files open, or file already open;
2 file is not open;
3 pointer beyond end of file;
4 memory full;
5 reading beyond end of file;
6 file not found;
7 file already exists;
13 internal formal error;
14 attempt to read and write on the same file;
20 internal file concatenation error;
21 CMOS variation memory full;
22 physical write into CMOS memory did not terminate successfully.
A block search has been done and the tool in the chuck is different from the one that should be there at that point of the program.
It is necessary to switch to semiauto mode, change the tool and repeat program choice and block search.
An attempt has been made to launch the jog mode, or an automatic program or a semiautomatic movement, during axis zero setting.
An attempt has been made to run a main program or a subprogram (or fixed cycle or special M) which has no leading percent sign. With software versions dated after October 4th, 1993 the “%” symbol is no longer mandatory at the beginning of a part program.
The program row being analyzed (showed on the command line before the error message) contains an error:
– undefined G
– excessive M
– incorrect parameter name
– incorrect arithmetical expression
– some other syntax error
The character after the one which triggered the error, if it is inside the displayed part of the row, is shown in inverse video to help locating the error.
If no shown character is displayed in inverse video, this means that the row is too long and the error is contained in the row section that does not fit on the display.
It is an error message related to a return from a series of rows, which should never happen. If it does, notify D.Electron.
Base origins are not correct; the file containing the current process’ base origins is missing, or is in memory error, or does not contain the base origins of all of the machine axes.
Additional origins are not correct; the file where such origins are defined is missing or is in memory error, or the program recalled an additional origin which was not defined in the process origins’ table nor in any local section.
A G111T (copy mode analog feeler setup) has been programmed and the values returned are not correct. This alarm can also appear during the automatic axis setup (activity 11) when detected values are out of tolerance limits. This alarm can also appear during the G125 (axes setup for high speed) if exceptional movement conditions leads to impossible axis setup.
During a radius correction outlining the NC has found a profile which can not be executed.
For more details check the programming manual.
A profile block has been programmed with a wrong parameters combination (typically geometrical ones – quotas, center, radius…). Refer to the programming manual.
The transient memory available to the Z32 has been filled. This should never happen; notify D.Electron, if possible including the listing of the part-program which causes the error.
A subroutine call (GON..-N.., GOP.., special Ms, fixed cycles, permanent subprograms, G110, DO cycle) has been made which exceeds the maximum allowed subroutine nesting level.
Since the allowed limit is more than enough for normal uses, this error may indicate that a programming error resulted in a “branch loop” where a subroutine calls itself without returning, thus performing branch on branch until the allotted stack slots are exhausted.
Either the programmed tool or the one on the chuck are not defined in the active tool section, or the related tool section is missing, or the wrong tool is on the chuck.
During a program execution, between the block shown as ‘executing’ and the one shown on the command line, a movement has been programmed which is beyond the end run as defined in the machine setup.
In the profile programming the segment preceding the one shown on the command line is of the wrong type (see also the geometry section in the programming manual).
In the profile programming, the segment shown on the command line requires a circle/line tangent which can not be found, since the line starting point is inside the circle, or because the two circles to be joined are either internal or intersecting (see also the geometry section in the programming manual).
In the profile programming the segment preceding the one shown on the command line is open (see also the geometry section in the programming manual).
The row displayed on the command line (alone or concatenated using the dollar sign) is too long.
A motion has been programmed on the third axis, with G12 active, on a segment or arc of circle that has been shortened or eliminated by the radius correction.
A permanent formula has been programmed which requires an excessive execution time.
Either G53 or G54 have been programmed while permanent formulas are active.
A movement has been requested from a G29-disabled axis or from an axis defined as “not alive” upon reset without previously activating it with G28.
During the automatic execution a subprogram was called that had been modified either through the editor or through external communication.
With G33 (threading), G34/G35 (variable pitch threading) or G63 (rigid tapping) active, an incompatible function has been also programmed (see Programming Manual for further details).
The program has to be modified.
One of the row numbers (beginning or end) programmed in G110 does not exist in the specified program or subprogram.
A call to a nonexistent subroutine level has been programmed in G110.
A RB (rounding) has been programmed at the beginning of this trait, which is an arc of circle.
A RB (rounding) has been programmed at the end of this trait, which is an arc of circle.
The programmed trait requires a geometrical intersection which was not found.
A RB (rounding) or a RR (joint radius) has been programmed at the beginning of this trait, which needed a continuous entry.
A circle with center and endpoint was programmed, but the previous endpoint is outside the circle by more than about 0.0625 mm.
A G111 has been programmed, but the analog copy feeler was not installed (the logic bit is not 1).
Too many two-character user parameters have been put in a part-program (e.g. HA, HB, HC, … up to a maximum of sixty).
Related to the :L feature to load/download a disk file on part-program’s command. This means that the DOS program got a read error accessing the selected file. The exact cause of the error is not available, and the error may be due to various causes:file or path not found, disk not ready, disk access error… it is up to the operator to remove the error.
Related to the :L feature to load/download a disk file on part-program’s command. This means that the Z32 got a write error writing to the file. As for CN4E14, there is no additional information; the error may be caused by the memory being full, the file being locked by the Z32, or a write data error. Here too it is up to the operator to remove the error.
Related to the :L feature to load/download a disk file on part-program’s command, it indicates a malfunction in the exchange between the Z32 and the support program.
If the DOS program (TERMS in this case) is correct, this type of error should never happen.
The part-program commanded an axis movement while the G121 initialization had not been completed yet.
The G121 limits defined in the part-program are not in the correct sequence.
Indicates that the PC processor is not powerful enough to handle the “advanced speed” (G113V).
This alarm is triggered whenever, during a G117, G118, G122, G141, G142 programming, the related axes’ setups are incorrect or do not comply with the required specifications.
This alarm message also appears whenever a G120 is programmed and the use of this function has been inhibited in the PLC.
This alarm is triggered in G123 when a positive limit is programmed which is less than the negative limit.
This alarm is triggered in G123 if the programmed quotas are outside limit quotas.
This alarm is triggered in G123 if a circle is programmed (G2 or G3).
This alarm is triggered if one of the G117 related rotative axes is programmed into G124.
G105 has been programmed while G123 is active.
One of G53 or G123 has been programmer while the other is active.
One of G43, G44 and G45 has been programmed while one of G116, G117, G118 or G122 is active. This situation triggers an alarm as it could lead to wrong measure calculations in relation to the logical axes 0, 1, 2 (as a general rule, X, Y and Z).
Error related to the “process lock”, the specific running of multi-process or synchronisedaxes machines. This error is displayed under various conditions:
In the line where G128 has been programmed, if:
– it is not a master
– no slave or less than 5 slave processes have been defined
– the slave process is lower than the master
– the slave process does not exist
– the slave process has not been defined as slave
– the slave process has been attached to another process.
In the line where G129 has been programmed, if:
– it is not a slave process
– the slave process is lower than the master
– the master process does not exist
– the master process has not been defined as master
– the master does not control this slave.
In the line where G130 has been programmed, if:
– it is not a master
– a lock process is not running (G128 or the previous function is missing).
Error related to the “process lock”, the specific running of multi-process or synchronisedaxes machines. This error is displayed under various conditions:
In the line where G128 has been programmed, if:
– the master HX is different from the slave HX
– the slave and master HX is zero.
Error related to the “process lock”, the specific running of multi-process or synchronisedaxes machines. This error is displayed under various conditions:
In the line where G128 has been programmed, if:
– the master is already in process lock status
– the slave is already in process lock status
In the line where G129 has been programmed, if:
– the master is already in process lock status.
Error related to the “process lock”, the specific running of multi-process or synchronisedaxes machines. This error is displayed under various conditions:
In the line where G128 has been programmed, if:
– the slave has live axes that are not so on the master
During the lock process (i.e. after G128 and before G130), if:
– the master is enabling or disabling axes during the lock process.
Error related to the “process lock”, the specific running of multi-process or synchronisedaxes machines. This error is displayed under various conditions:
In the line where G128 has been programmed, if:
– the slave axes have too different sensors (sensor pitch different by a factor>4).
Error related to the “process lock”, the specific running of multi-process or synchronisedaxes machines. During the lock process, the part-program on correlated movements and activities. The following functions are therefore forbidden and trigger this alarm:
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M19 special M MA MB MC T G115 G114 G61 G98 G111 G127 G126 G125 G113X G62 G124 G123 G121 G54 G53
This alarm is also displayed when an attempt is made to launch the JOG mode during the lock process, or to program G128 or G129 in semi-automatic mode.
This alarm appears up when an axis state change (live/idle) is requested with active G33, G34, G35 or G63. This alarm is triggered not only when programming G28 or G29, but also if a movement is programmed for an idle axis, which therefore should be first enabled and then disabled.
The CN6314 alarm is related to the INPUT instruction (parameter and part-program entering through the keyboard). The alarm is only triggered when the comment (string) displayed to the operator as an explanation of parameter function is not correct.
This alarm indicates that AP and KA values exceeding the set limits have been programmed in the G110T6 macrofunction (analysis with multiple intersections).
Performance error of the structured DNC related to the !:L254 instruction, whose syntax includes the start and end pointers for the file portion to be sent in DNC mode. This error appears when the syntax of the structured DNC activation line is wrong.
Performance error of the structured DNC related to the !:L254 instruction, whose syntax includes the start and end pointers for the file portion to be sent in DNC mode. This error appears when the pointers of the structured DNC activation line are not in line head position.
Performance error of the structured DNC related to the !:L254 instruction, whose syntax includes the start and end pointers for the file portion to be sent in DNC mode. This error appears when the pointers of the structured DNC activation line are beyond the end of file.
Performance error of the structured DNC related to the !:L254 instruction, whose syntax includes the start and end pointers for the file portion to be sent in DNC mode. This error appears when the start pointer of the structured DNC activation line is higher than the end pointer.
This alarm appears when G118HR1 is active and a G116 is programmed, or vice-versa, when a G116 is active and a G118HR1 is programmed.
An END DEFINE has been programmed with DEFINE not open.
An END IF has been programmed without an open IF.
A DEFINE has been programmed inside another DEFINE.
This alarm indicates that an IF has been programmed inside another IF beyond the maximum admissible level (31 nesting levels).
A LOOP has been programmed without an open DO.
This is an internal error that should never happen. If it does, notify D.Electron.
This alarm is related to the G126/G127 functions for the machining of moving pieces. This error appears in the G126 programming line when the plant settings, as defined through the PLC functions, are inconsistent, or when the slave process has not been set at 2 ms.
The structured instructions IF and/or DO and the !GON… instructions have been programmed inside the same program or sub-program. These instruction cannot exist together in the same file.
An EXIT DO has been programmed without an open DO.
An ELSE or ELSEIF has been programmed without an open IF.
The LOOP instruction must be at the same level as the IF of the relative DO, otherwise this alarm is triggered. More simply the IFs opened inside the DO LOOP body must be all closed before the LOOP instruction.
This is an internal error related to structured instructions that should never happen. If it does, notify D.Electron.
In a program executed in DNC mode, the DO body size (i.e. the instructions between DO and LOOP) cannot exceed 44K, otherwise this alarm is triggered.
This alarm is related to the DEFINE structured instruction, and is triggered whenever defining (creating):a subprogram whose number is higher than 119; a program or subprogram that is currently executed; one of the programs to which the cycle must return.
More simply, it is not possible to overwrite the program or subprogram currently executed, nor the programs to which the cycle must return.
This alarm is related to the software options system and is released whenever using the software options without having installed the license that enables them.
This error is related to temporary subroutines (subtemp). Inside a subtemp, it is not possible to enable local sections regarding tools, origins, parameters (G37TL, G37OL, G37PL). The use of this functions will trigger this alarm. The CN7914 alarm will be also triggered if the G110 (emptying macro) is programmed inside a subtemp, or if the G110 caller is a subtemp.
In the event of a subtemp error such as the CN7914, the command line (displayed under TERMS) contains a final number indicating the error type. The cause of this error may be:
User errors:
1 attempt to open a new file with 128 files already open
2 write memory full
3 reading of an inexistent file
4 reading of a too long line
5 reading beyond end of file
Internal errors (should never happen):
101 too many files to be opened
102 no file to be opened
103 not defined
104 global to local file assignment is inconsistent
105 write calling with file not opened for the calling in process
106 too long write string (>255 characters)
107 string research in an inexistent file
108 in the reading stage, unprintable characters not allowed
109 string search with string length =0
This alarm is released on activating the G113X KA1 if any of the axes has not been calibrated with G125 KA1. Before activating G113X KA1 it is necessary that all the axes involved in the motion (i.e. all live axes) be calibrated using the G125 KA1 function; in the case that, on activating the G113X KA1, some live axes have never been calibrated, the CN7A14 … G125 KA1 REQUIRED will be released, where the names of the non-calibrated axes are displayed instead of the dots.
This alarm is related to the G141 function “Three-dimensional correction of tool radius”, and appears:
– a G2/G3/G41/G42/G43/G44 function has been programmed while G141 is active.
– G141 is programmed while it is already active.
– G141 is programmed while G2/G3/G41/G42 are active
This alarm is related to the G141 function “Three-dimensional correction of tool radius”, and appears when on activating G141, the third axis of the chosen triad does not correspond to the axis along which the tool length is compensated (G43/G44).
This alarm is triggered when a RTCP function is activated (G116, G117, G118, G122) and one or more of the main machine axes (X,Y,Z) are not live; or when one or more RTCP functions are active (G116, G117, G118, G122) and one of the main machine axes (X,Y,Z) is switched to the not live status.
This alarm is related to the G142 function (Retract) for retracting the tool from the workpiece. Once the motion programmed in G142 has been executed, the NC releases the CN7E14 alarm (G142 EXECUTED) which can be only cancelled by resetting or switching off the machine.
This alarm is related to the G142 function (Retract) for retracting the tool from the workpiece. The alarm appears when on activating G142, the tool length compensation (G43) is associated with an axis other than X,Y,Z; or the tool length compensation is associated with an axis other than X,Y,Z (through G43) while G142 is active.
This alarm is released whenever the total length of the motion (linear or circular) exceeds 1,000,000 mm, i.e. 1 km.
This alarm is related to G125 KA1, which carries out a “vectorial” calibration of the machine’s dynamic responses. As for the G125 KA1 there is a test time limit:a forward/backward motion cannot last longer than about 8 sec, otherwise the calibration may result inaccurate. Therefore, if the motion time exceeds 8 sec, the alarm CN8114 – G125KA1:EXCESSIVE TIME LENGTH will be released.
This alarm refers to G800, G801 and G802 functions for managing “canned cycle”, “positioning macros” and “machining macros” saved on hard-disk. This alarm appears when a cycle or a macro is called, but the correspondent file is not found on the hard-disk.
This alarm refers to G800, G801 and G802 functions for managing “canned cycle”, “positioning macros” and “machining macros” saved on hard-disk. This alarm appears when a cycle or a macro is called, but the correspondent file dimension exceed the maximum loadable in memory.
This alarm indicates that a movement involving more that 5 axes has been programmed and that one or more of the following G-functions are active:G61, G63, G110, G132. All these functions are not compatible with movement involving more than 5 axes.
This alarm indicates that a G131 function has been programmed while a G148 is active, or vice-versa that a G148 function has been programmed while a G131 is active
This alarm refers to GON and GON-N programming inside a program executed via DNC.
Inside a DNC execution, the searching of jump destination and return points is devolved to the Windnc program (the DNC manager in Windows operative systems). When the searching ends with no found occurrences, the CN8614 alarm appears.
Installation alarm. It informs that the length compensations for the continuous axes are not regular. To eliminate this alarm, the program “TARAT” (Machine settings) has to be executed.
Installation alarm. It informs that a software program (Z32DG.exe) is not running. If this software is not running, the CNC may not receive information referring to the macine installation memorized on disk:a restore of this software is necessary.
The alarm is shown in two cases:
– A system canned cycled (from G27C1 to G27C30) or a G800/G900 macro has been programmed while the machine was in forced condition (millimetres machine forced in inches with G70, or inches machine forced in millimetres with G71)
– A G70 or a G71 has been programmed inside a system canned cycle (from G27C1 to G27C30) or a G800/G900 macro.
This alarm refers to the G155 (raster-type laser printing). This function is not compatible with the block-search. This alarm comes if a G155 is found during a block-search.
This alarm indicates that 5 or more axes have been programmed on the same line of partprogram, but the installation of the Z32 supports a maximum of 4 simultaneous axes. For further information, please refer to the machine-tool manufacturer.
This alarm indicates that at the beginning of an automatic execution (typically after a blocksearch) a special subprogram-axis is not in the programmed position. The command line shows both the present position and the programmed position. Move the axis in the programmed position and repeat.
This alarm indicates that a movement has been programmed which would exceed the positive x axis end run, where x is the axis’ logical number. This alarm supersedes the generic CN3114 END OF TRAVEL.
This alarm indicates that a movement has been programmed which would exceed the negative x axis end run, where x is the axis’ logical number. This alarm supersedes the generic CN3114 END OF TRAVEL.
CNC 기계
MAZATROL MATRIX 등의 Mazak CNC 기계 제어 오류 목록 다른 Mazak 알람 목록은 다음 페이지를 참조하십시오. Mazak System/Drive 이상 (1번~99번, 1000번~1099번) Mazak CNC 기계 제어 오류(100번 – 199번, 1100번 – 1199번) Mazak PLC 기계 제어 에러 ( 200번 – 399번, 1200번 – 1399번 ) Mazak CNC 화면 작동 오류 (400번 – 499번, 1400번 – 1499번) Mazak I/O 에러 (500번 – 599번, 1500번 –
MAZATROL MATRIX 등의 Mazak 시스템/드라이브 알람 오류 코드 목록 다른 Mazak 알람 목록은 다음 페이지를 참조하십시오. Mazak System/Drive 이상 (1번~99번, 1000번~1099번) Mazak CNC 기계 제어 오류(100번 – 199번, 1100번 – 1199번) Mazak PLC 기계 제어 에러 ( 200번 – 399번, 1200번 – 1399번 ) Mazak CNC 화면 작동 오류 (400번 – 499번, 1400번 – 1499번) Mazak I/O 에러 (500번 – 599번, 15