단층, 이중층, 삼중층 및 벌크 MoS2 에 대한 접합 상태 밀도
전자 전이를 정확하게 분석하고 유전 함수 \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \)에 대한 자세한 분석을 위해 직접 에너지 갭 ΔE(NC − NV), 단층, 이중층, 삼중층 및 벌크 MoS2 의 전도대 및 가전자대 그림 8에 나와 있습니다. NC와 NV는 전도대와 가전자대의 서수를 나타냅니다. 따라서 NC =1, 2 및 3은 가장 낮은 재료, 두 번째로 낮은, 세 번째로 낮은 비어 있는 재료 밴드를 나타냅니다. 반면, NV =9, 18 및 27(단위 셀의 전자 수에 따라 다름)은 단층, 이중층 및 삼중층 MoS2 의 가장 높은 점유 밴드를 나타냅니다. , 각각. 단층의 경우 0 ~ 2.57 eV 영역에서 전자 전이는 가장 높은 점유 대역 NV =9에서 가장 낮은 비점유 대역 NC =1로만 기여하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 그림 8a에서 최소값은 높은 대칭점에서 나타납니다. K 및 JDOS의 임계값(그림 7a)은 실제로 단층 MoS2 의 직접적인 밴드갭인 1.64 eV에서 나타납니다. . 높은 대칭점 K 부근에서 ΔE(NC =1 − NV =9)의 곡선은 단층 MoS2 에 대한 포물선과 유사합니다. . 따라서 ∇k (이 크크 − E vk ) =0 at K point, 이는 높은 대칭점 K에서의 임계점을 의미한다. 2차원 구조에서 이 임계점은 P 에 속한다. 0 유형 특이점 [27], 따라서 JDOS의 한 단계로 이어집니다. 따라서 JDOS 고원의 임계 에너지는 임계점 에너지 1.64 eV에서 발견됩니다. JDOS 고원의 끝 에너지는 2.57 eV에 가깝고, 이는 두 개의 P 0 점 B1에서 특이점 입력(k =(0.00, 0.16, 0.00)) 및 점 B2(k =(− 0.10, 0.20, 0.00)). 두 임계점 B1과 B2 근처의 ΔE(NC =1 − NV =9) 곡선의 기울기는 매우 작아서 JDOS가 급격히 증가합니다(Eq.(5) 참조). JDOS의 긴 고원에 대한 주요 임계점은 유형, 위치, 전이 대역 및 직접 에너지 갭 ΔE(NC − NV)를 포함하여 표 2에 나열되어 있습니다. 또한 ∇k 이 크크 =∇k 이 vk =0은 가전자대와 전도대의 기울기가 수평인 높은 대칭점 K에서 발생했습니다. 동안 ∇k 이 크크 =∇k 이 vk ≠ 0은 점 B1과 B2에서 발생했는데, 이는 두 띠의 기울기가 평행함을 의미합니다. 동시에, 단일층에 대한 밴드 구조 및 직접 에너지 갭에 대한 분석(그림 8a 참조)은 직접 에너지 갭 ΔE가 2.65eV 미만일 때 NV =9와 NC =1 사이의 전이만이 JDOS에 기여한다는 것을 보여줍니다. ΔE가 2.65 eV보다 크면 NV =9에서 NC =2로의 전환도 JDOS에 기여하기 시작합니다. ΔE가 2.86eV 이상에 도달하면 NV =9에서 NC =3으로의 전환이 JDOS에 영향을 미칩니다. 2.65 eV보다 큰 에너지의 경우 그림 8a의 많은 대역이 JDOS에 기여할 것이라는 점을 지적해야 합니다. 단층 MoS2 의 JDOS 1.64 ~ 2.57 eV 범위에서 안정기를 나타내며 |Mvc 식의 변형 |
이 범위에서 작은 것으로 나타났습니다. 식에 따르면 (1) and (5), the imaginary part of the dielectric function \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) is mainly decided by the JDOS and the transition matrix elements, this gives a similar plateau for the imaginary part of dielectric function \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) as compared to JDOS.
Direct energy gaps, ΔE(NC − NV), between conduction and valence bands for the a monolayer, b bilayer, c trilayer, and d bulk MoS2 . 아 –d There are three, six, twelve, and six critical points in interband transitions for the monolayer, bilayer, trilayer, and bulk MoS2 , 각각
그림> 그림>
For bilayer MoS2 , in the region of 0 ~ 2.28 eV (the endpoint of JDOS plateau), the electronic transitions are contributed to NV =17, 18 to NC =1, 2. The minimum energy in ΔE(NC − NV) is situated at the K point with a gap of 1.62 eV. In Fig. 8b, similar to monolayer MoS2 , bilayer MoS2 holds two parabolic curves going upward (which come from ΔE(NC = 1 − NV = 18) and ΔE(NC = 2 − NV = 18)) at K point. Therefore, there are two P 0 type singularities (∇k (이 ck − E vk ) = 0) at K point, causing a step in the JDOS. The critical point energies are both 1.62 eV, this is because that the conduction bands (NC =1 and NC =2) are degenerate at point K (as shown in Fig. 3b), which results in the same direct energy gap between transitions of NV =18 to NC =1 and NV =18 to NC =2. From Fig. 8b, as the direct energy gap is increased to 1.69 eV, two new parabolas (which come from ΔE(NC = 1 − NV = 17) and ΔE(NC = 2 − NV = 17)) appear and two new singularities emerge again at K point in the direct energy gap graph, leading to a new step in JDOS for bilayer MoS2 (see Fig. 7b). As a result, the JDOS of the bilayer MoS2 has two steps around the threshold of long plateau (see inset in Fig. 7b). Two parabolas (in Fig. 8b) contribute to the first step and four parabolas contribute to the second step in JDOS. It means that the value of the second step is roughly the double of the first one. As the ΔE reaches to 2.28eV, two new singularities appear at Γ point (where interband transitions come from Γ(NV =18→NC =1) and Γ(NV =18→NC =2)), which have great contribution to the JDOS and bring the end to the plateau. Our calculations demonstrate that ∇k 이 ck = ∇k 이 vk = 0 are satisfied not only at high symmetry point K, but also at high symmetry point Γ. Similar to the case of monolayer, we found that the term of |Mvc |
is a slowly varying function in the energy range of bilayer JDOS plateau; hence, \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) of bilayer have a similar plateau in the energy range.
For trilayer MoS2 , in the region of 0 ~ 2.21 eV, the JDOS are contributed from electronic transitions of NV =25, 26, and 27 to NC =1, 2, and 3. As shown in Fig. 8c, trilayer MoS2 have nine singularities at three different energies (ΔE =1.61 eV, 1.66 eV, and 1.72 eV, respectively) at the K point. Figure 3c depicts that the conduction bands (NC =1, 2, 3) are three-hold degenerate at point K; this means that there are three singularities at each critical point energy. According to our previous analysis, the JDOS and \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) of trilayer MoS2 will show three steps near the thresholds of the long plateaus, the endpoints of the long plateaus of trilayer JDOS, and \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) are then owing to the appearance of three singularities at Γ point with ΔE =2.21 eV (see Fig. 7c), which come from the interband transitions of Γ(NV =27→NC =1, 2, 3).
For bulk MoS2 , the thresholds of \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) and JDOS are also located at K point, with the smallest ΔE(NC − NV) equals to 1.59 eV. Nevertheless, there is no obvious step appeared in the thresholds of plateaus for both the \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) and JDOS (see Fig. 6a and Fig. 7d). Based on the previous analysis, the number of steps in the monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer MoS2 are 1, 2, and 3, respectively. As the number of MoS2 layers increases, the number of steps also increases in the vicinity of the threshold energy. Thus, in the bulk MoS2 , the JDOS curve is composed of numerous small steps around the threshold energy of the long plateau, and finally the small steps disappear near the threshold energy since the width of the small steps decreases. In the region of 0 ~ 2.09 eV, the electron transitions of bulk MoS2 are contributed to NV =17, 18 to NC =1, 2. The 2.09 eV is the endpoint of JDOS plateau of bulk MoS2 , which is attributed to two singularities, i.e., the interband transitions of Γ(NV =18→NC =1) as well as Γ(NV =18→NC =2), as presented in Fig. 8d. However, the plateau endpoint of the imaginary part of dielectric function \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) is 2.19 eV, which is greater than the counterpart of JDOS (e.g., 2.09 eV). Checked the transition matrix elements, it verified that some transitions are forbidden by the selection rule in the range of 2.09 eV to 2.19 eV. Therefore, the imaginary part of the dielectric function \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) is nearly invariable in the range of 2.09 ~ 2.19 eV. As a result, the plateau of \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) of bulk MoS2 is then 1.59 ~ 2.19 eV.
It has been shown that these thresholds of the JDOS plateaus are determined by singularities at the K point for all of the studied materials, see Fig. 8. The endpoint energy of the monolayer JDOS plateau is determined by two critical points at B1 and B2 (Fig. 8a). Nevertheless, the endpoint energies of bilayer, trilayer, and bulk JDOS plateaus are all dependent on the critical points at Γ(Fig. 8b–d). The interlayer coupling near point Γ is significantly larger than the near point K for all the systems of multilayer MoS2 . The smallest direct energy gap decreases and the interlayer coupling increases as the number of layers grow. With the layer number increases, a very small decrease of direct energy gap at point K and a more significant decrease of direct energy gap at point Γ can be observed, as a result, a faint red shift in the threshold energy and a bright red shift in the end of both JDOS and \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) plateaus can also be found. For monolayer MoS2 , the smallest ΔE(NC − NV) at point Γ is 2.75 eV which is larger than that at point B1 (or point B2) with a value around 2.57 eV. When it goes to multilayer and bulk MoS2 , the strong interlayer coupling near point Γ makes the smallest ΔE(NC − NV) at Γ less than those at point B1 (or point B2). Hence, monolayer owns the longest plateau of JDOS, which is between 1.64 eV and 2.57 eV. The shortest plateau of JDOS (from 1.59 eV to 2.09 eV) is shown in the bulk.
As the energy is increased to the value larger than the endpoint of long platform of the dielectric function, a peak A can be found at the position around 2.8 eV, for almost all the studied materials (Fig. 6a). The width of peak A for monolayer is narrower compared with those of multilayer MoS2 ; however, the intensity of peak A for monolayer is found to be a little stronger than multilayers. The differences between the imaginary parts of dielectric function for the monolayer and multilayer MoS2 are evident, on the other hand, the differences are small for multilayer MoS2 .
In order to explore the detailed optical spectra of MoS2 multilayers, the real parts of the dielectric function ε 1 (ω ), the absorption coefficients α (ω ), and the reflectivity spectra R (ω ) are presented in Fig. 6b–d. Our calculated data of bulk MoS2 for the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function, ε 1 (ω ) and ε 2 (ω ), the absorption coefficient α (ω ) and the reflectivity R (ω ) agree well with the experimental data, except for the excitonic features near the band edge [48,49,50]. The calculated values of , which is called the static dielectric constant, for MoS2 multilayers and bulk can be found in Table 1. From Table 1, the calculated values of \( {\varepsilon}_1^{xx}(0) \) for multilayers and bulk MoS2 are all around 15.5, which is very close to the experimental value of 15.0 for bulk MoS2 [50]. The values of \( {\varepsilon}_1^{xx}(0) \) increase with the increasing number of MoS2 layers. For monolayer MoS2 , a clear peak B of \( {\varepsilon}_1^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) appears about 2.54 eV. Peak B of monolayer is clearly more significant than multilayers, and they are all similar for multilayer MoS2 . As the layer number increases, the sharp structures (peak B) also move left slightly. In Fig. 6c, we also observe the emergence of long plateaus in the absorption coefficients, and absorption coefficients are around 1.5 × 10
at the long plateaus. There are also small steps around the thresholds for the absorption coefficients, which are consistent to those of the imaginary parts of dielectric function. With the layer number increases, the threshold energy of absorption coefficient decreases, while the number of small steps increases at the starting point of the plateau. For monolayer and multilayer MoS2 , strong absorption peaks emerge at visible light range (1.65–3.26 eV), and the monolayer MoS2 own a highest absorption coefficient of 1.3 × 10
. The theoretical absorption coefficients for different number of MoS2 layers are compared with confocal absorption spectral imaging of MoS2 (the inset) [46], as shown in Fig. 6c. For monolayer and multilayer MoS2 , a large peak of α (ω ) can be found at the position around 2.8 eV for both the calculation and experiment [46, 51]. Furthermore, a smoothly increase of α (ω ) can be found between 2.2 and 2.8 eV for both the theoretical and experimental curves. Therefore, from Fig. 6c, the calculated absorption coefficients of MoS2 multilayers show fairly good agreement with the experimental data [46], except for the excitonic peaks. The reflectivity spectra are given in Fig. 6d. The reflectivity spectra of MoS2 multilayers are all about 0.35–0.36 when energy is zero, which means that MoS2 system can reflect about 35 to 36% of the incident light. In the region of visible light, the maximum reflectivity of monolayer MoS2 is 64%, while the maxima of multilayer and bulk MoS2 are all about 58%. Because of the behaviors discussed, MoS2 monolayer and multilayers are being considered for photovoltaic applications.
섹션> 결론
In this study, by employing ab initio calculations, the electronic and optical properties of MoS2 multilayers are investigated. Compared to bulk MoS2 , the covalency and ionicity of monolayer MoS2 are found to be stronger, which results from larger quantum confinement in the monolayer. With the increase of the layer number, quantum confinement and intra-layer interaction both decrease, meanwhile, the interlayer coupling increases, which result in the decrease of the band gap and the minimum direct energy gap. As the layer number becomes larger than two, the optical and electronic properties of MoS2 multilayers start to exhibit those of bulk. Band structures of multilayers and bulk show splitting of bands mainly around the Γ-point; however, splitting of bands in the vicinity of K point are tiny, owing to the small interlayer coupling at point K.
For optical properties, Van Hove singularities lead to the occurrence of long plateaus in both JDOS and \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \). At the beginnings of these long plateaus, monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer structures appear one, two, and three small steps, respectively. With the layer number increases, the number of small steps increases and the width of the small steps decreases, leading to unobvious steps. A small red shift in the threshold energy and a noticeable red shift in the end of both JDOS and \( {\varepsilon}_2^{xx}\left(\omega \right) \) plateaus are observed, since the increased number of layers leads to small changes in the direct energy gap near point K (weak interlayer coupling) and larger changes near point Γ (stronger interlayer coupling). Thus, the longest plateau and shortest plateau of JDOS are from the monolayer and bulk, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the differences between electronic and optical properties for monolayer and multilayer MoS2 are significant; however, the differences are not obvious between the multilayer MoS2 . The present data can help understand the properties of different layers of MoS2 , which should be important for developing optoelectronic devices.
섹션> 데이터 및 자료의 가용성
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섹션> 약어 Δ E:
The direct energy gap
Monolayer MoS2
Bilayer MoS2
Trilayer MoS2
Four-layer MoS2
Five-layer MoS2
Six-layer MoS2
Bethe-Salpeter equation
Brillouin zone
전도대 최소
일반화된 기울기 근사
Quasi-particle energy calculation
Joint density of states
MoS2 :
이황화 몰리브덴
The ordinal numbers of conduction band
The ordinal numbers of valence band
프로젝터 증강파
비엔나 ab 초기 시뮬레이션 패키지
원자가 밴드 최대값
Van Hove singularity